Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Yesterday's run...

I got a phone call from a friend of mine yesterday....I hadn't heard from him in a while, so we had some catching up to do!  He told me he's running a race in June (7+ miles of trails, after running up stairs...) and that I'd inspired him to begin running again. Yikes!!  Just the push I needed to get out the door and run, especially in light of the fact that he can run farther than I can by a good bit! 

So, I went to Shelby's school, and asked her if she wanted to run a few laps with me (a good way for us to have fun, and for me to warm up!). She and I ran six consecutive laps around the track (4.5 laps = 1/4 mile) -- that seems like an awful lot of running for four-year-old legs!  Of course, I told her to stop anytime she wanted and that we could walk....she didn't want to walk though....she wanted to run, and chat about her day. So we did... :-)

I dropped her back off in her classroom, and hit the treadmill. I walked three minutes, and then ran two 9:05 minute miles (odd, but it's 6.6 on the treadmill)...walked for a couple of minutes at the end, for a total of 2.35 miles in 24 minutes. I know I need to be building my distance, but I don't really care right at the moment -- running fast is a new challenge, and I really had less than 30 minutes to work out. Doing the best I can, having fun in the meantime. I'm definitely heading out for a few long runs this week though!  

1 comment:

The Emerging Runner said...

I'm in the same place as you. I really need to step up my distance to prepare for an upcoming 8K. I found that integrating speed work into every run (random speeding up for a minute or two every mile or so) really helps. I also found pouring it on at the end helps bring down the overall pace and prepares you for the stretch to the finish line.

9:05 is a great pace. I would happy to achieve that for my 8K.