Monday, November 16, 2009

After A Week Of Torrential Rain...

Some nice weather! In fact-perfect running weather! I'd say it's in the upper 60's and sunny. Not a speck of wind either. The only downside was the smoke from a nearby fire, but around here that's not cause for concern like it is in California. It was probably just someone burning leaves. It wasn't too smoky, but there was enough to dry out my throat and make my breathing feel pretty ragged. Since it's been a week since my last run, I set my goal at 1.5 miles. I did it, and shaved almost a minute off of my time. Last week I ran the exact same amount (1.52 miles both times-not sure how I managed that!) Last time I did it in 16:31...this time 15:35.

I will say that I was definitely pushing myself, but still, I'm glad I had a day of a somewhat "normal" pace. 10:16 is much better that the almost 11 minute miles I was doing before. I'm sure if I run in a few days I'll be back to going slower, but it really is more important to build my endurance first. A fellow mom from Laura's class was telling me about the half marathon she did a weekend ago, and if she can do it, then I should be able to too! It seems impossible right now, but I hope I can manage one sometime in the next year.

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