Friday, February 26, 2010

One Week Later

Luckily I can still run after taking a week off! I don't think it helped that I did the 30 Day Shred yesterday and have thighs that are currently so sore I can barely walk down the stairs. My knee felt okay-started out great and at about 1/2 mile it spoke up, just to say, "Hey, remember me? Your knee that hurts sometimes?" I told it that I remembered and kept on going. Maybe it just wanted acknowledgment or something. Made it to 1.25 miles and stopped to walk and stretch and finished out at 2 miles. Not my best ever but glad that 2 miles now seems to be what I do as a minimum. It was really cold today, about 34 degrees and the wind was just ridiculous. Surprised I was able to keep up a decent pace. Overall was 10:01.

Was chased by that stupid miniature pincher again, and once again the owner was outside and did nothing-not even a half-hearted attempt to call the dog back. The more nonchalant they act, the less guilty I'm going to feel one day when I snap and call animal control. I wish we had running trails here where I could run without nearly being run over by cars or chased by loose dogs.

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