Sunday, January 24, 2010

30 Day Shred

I seem to go in cycles of fitness, and I'm once again back to being way too plump. Running is great for my heart, lungs, and asthma, but it's not doing squat for my arms, stomach, or rear end. So I gave in and decided to buy a workout DVD. I chose the 30 Day Shred from one of the trainers from "The Biggest Loser", a show I've never watched but have always wanted to.

According the video, and all the die-hard fans, you're supposed to do it for 30 days straight. I'll just say right now: that ain't happening. I want to keep up with my running, and plus it just doesn't seem smart to me to work out for 30 days straight. But that's just me. I had a really busy day today and didn't have time until about 9pm to do the workout, but I was determined to get it done.

Let me just say that I knew I was weak sauce, but I didn't realize I was that weak. There are 3 different levels, and I of course started on level 1. Each workout is 20 minutes, broken into 3 different circuits. Each circuit is 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs. That sounds so easy on paper! Well it just about killed me. It is seriously so tough! I did the whole workout, but had to stop during a few of the arm exercises to rest (she said you can rest for 5 seconds if you have to). I knew my arms are my weakest spot, and now they are just like jello after that workout.

I will definitely keep up with the video, it was a lot of good exercise crammed into 20 minutes. I even made sure to take my "before" picture, which was inspiration enough to get cracking. I hope I'll see some results in a month or two!

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