Monday, December 22, 2008

Trying To Beat The Dark

Today was such a busy day that I didn't think I'd manage to get a run in. But in the end I psyched myself up enough about it that I sort of had to! I got all bundled up since it is so cold today (32 degrees with lots of wind!) and off I went. The only problem was, I forgot how early and quickly it gets dark this time of year. I hadn't been running for more than 5 minutes when it was almost totally dark. We have no sidewalks in our neighborhood, minimal lighting, and a ton of crazy drivers, so I had to get home fast!

I really picked up the pace and got back home safely. I only ran for 12 minutes, which was a bummer, but I covered over a mile, so that means a faster pace than usual for me. I guess it was better than nothing.

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