Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blowing off work...

Today is Tuesday which means ballet class for Shelby and no afternoon running for me. So I thought I'd blow off work for a bit and hit the treadmill this morning instead. I finished up a conference call just after 11 am, and got right to it. I walked for five minutes and ran for about 15 before utter bordem set in, but at least I ran! It actually felt good too - my knee felt stiff, but didn't hurt. And the 20 minutes off of work has to make me more productive in the long run, right?

I'm going to run tomorrow and Friday too this week I think - 2 miles each time - and then on to over 2 miles next week! I have to break this 2-mile thing soon, or I'm going to go crazy!

1 comment:

Claire said...

How great is it that you decided to squish in a run for a break from work!!! Awesome! When did we become people who exercise as an escape from something else? :)

Your plan sounds great, and I'm excited to see how quickly you're able to build your mileage back up.