Sunday, February 1, 2009

Doggie Guilt

I really, really did not want to run today. But now that I have a dog, I usually don't have a choice in the matter. Moxie hadn't really been exercised since Thursday, save for a short walk yesterday, and she was bouncing off the walls. The weather was actually quite pleasant, so we set out around 11. I could tell it would be a tough run for me since my breathing was bad before we even set out.

I managed about 1.5 miles of running. My first mile was 10:15, so I'm happy to see that I've been able to sustain a somewhat faster pace. Looking back at my notes from when I first started, my mile times were about 11:30 or 12 minutes. So a definite improvement! I'm feeling greedy though and really want 9 minute miles to be my norm, with 8 minute miles my fast time. Right now 10 minutes is really pushing myself.

We ran 15 minutes altogether, and walked for about 7 afterwards, completing probably about 2 miles. I guess before I worry about my times I need to worry about endurance. I need to make 3 miles an average run for me. 1.5 miles isn't going to cut it!

1 comment:

Patty said...

Don't worry so much about how fast you are going, just try to run for a longer amount of time. It is hard when you can't breathe, you need to pat yourself on the back for getting out there over and over again.