Saturday, February 14, 2009

Early run....with some success...

I ran early this morning on the treadmill....I walked for a full five minutes first, ran for about 15 minutes and walked to finish up at 30 minutes. I actually felt good the entire time, so I'm guessing this week's setback was due to the running+soccer+bicycling on Sunday - too much for one day right now. I'm going to run again tomorrow, still keeping my distance under two miles. In fact, I think the under two mile plan is probably my best bet for next week too, and then I'll reassess. 

Who knew that putting one foot in front of the other would prove to be so complicated and frustrating?!  Still, it feels good just to be moving again! 


Claire said...

Good for you! 30 minutes of exercise is fantastic! Just remember, this time last year we were basically doing nothing.

I understand your frustration though. Some more "easy" runs are in your future I think, and I bet by this summer all this business will just be a bad memory.

The Emerging Runner said...

I have a friend who has run dozens of marathons who swears that two miles is the magic training distance for injury recovery. He's never steered me wrong.