Thursday, February 12, 2009

No fun...

I must have done a little too much on Sunday, because I've been ready to run all week, but my knee has not. It really isn't too bad (not nearly as bad as it was in December), but I'm trying to be smart. It isn't all....

I put in less than 10 minutes on the treadmill yesterday and between my knee and the 500 things on my mind, I just couldn't do it. I hate this...... I should be looking forward to that 10K.......


Claire said...

This stinks!! I hope your knee starts feeling better soon. And you can still look forward to the 10K, you know you can get yourself ready for it in no time! Look how easy the 5K was for you after such a short time of running.

The Emerging Runner said...

I know that it must be frustrating but you are being smart about pushing any further than necessary. There's nothing worse than being forced to wait out an injury. It seems like you are making progress. I'm sure it will be better by the weekend.

Angela said...

Thanks for being so supportive...I'm still annoyed, and as a result didn't even attempt a run today, but I'm feeling an attitude adjustment coming on any minute now... :-) Fingers are crossed for this weekend!