Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Did I really?!

Someone who looks, acts and even talks suspiciously like me (ok, it was me...) just registered me for a 10K on June 6!  Oh, no!  Oh, YES!  Oh, no!  Now the panic has set in.  Possible though right? Yikes!  Better put my running shoes on RIGHT NOW and get training!  


Angela said...

Ok, more drama... I'm going to follow the beginner's 10K plan as closely as possible so that I build up slowly. There's no way I'm risking another injury just to do this -- if I have to walk some, then fine. I just need some sort of challenge on the calendar! And if I had to, I suppose I could run the 5K that day instead..........right??????????

The Emerging Runner said...

Okay - three and a half months for training should work, even at a slow pace. I say train for the 10K and, if it doesn't feel right as you get close, just have fun running the 5K. It's great to have that on the calender. Here's a link to a run countdown widget if you're looking to add some pressure:

Angela said...

Thank you! I'm feeling good about it at the moment, but like you said, if it doesn't feel right, the 5K will work too! I'm now imagining how fun it will be to post that I didn't croak during a 10K! :-)