Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another bad idea...

Maybe the cold is going to our brains, forcing us to make suspect choices?  I ordered the "Speedy Gonzales" at lunch yesterday thinking it would make me run faster. In fact, it did not. Instead, I did my track work (please note the professional athlete talk) with a taco and an enchilada in my stomach....As it turns out, this was a very bad idea...

But hey, it was a lunch meeting, I ordered the "chicken" version of the enchilada, and I drank lots and lots of water... For the record though, my healthy eating self has returned as of last night so all is well once again!

1 comment:

Claire said...

If only it were as easy as ordering the "Speedy Gonzalez"!!

That sounds awful, having that much food in your stomach while running. Blech.