Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hi! I'm Shana. I kind of invited myself to join the blog so that when I start running again I have some accountability (Thanks Angela for letting me!). I still believe that after 3 months of bedrest and 5+ months of no physical exercise (complications during my pregnancy) that as soon as I deliver (I'm due 30 Jan) I will magically transform back into a runner... POOF I can run 10 minute miles with the greatest of ease. HAHA. I don't think I've ever RUN a 10 minute mile with EASE. SO I just wanted to introduce myself so everyone would know who I am when I start this journey back into the running world.

My name is Shana, I am active duty Air Force (stationed at Pope) and have a wonderful husband (also an Ed) and a beautiful little 3 1/2 year old princess named Olga. We are expecting a boy (Laith) on 30 Jan and I expect to be running that next week (I never said I was practical). Anyway, thanks for letting me join the group... I'll only talk about running from now on. I just received the book "The Runners diet" from my recent Runners World renewal so I'm looking forward to combining diet and runs to shed the 50 or so pounds I'll need to shed (I did mention I'm a bottomless pit right now didn't I?) once Laith arrives.

Happy running!



Claire said...

Great to "meet" you Shana! I admire you for being so ready to exercise after your baby is born. It took me over 4 years to get my act together after my daughter was born!

I look forward to running with you someday.

Angela said...

So glad you posted, Shana! As you can see, we're the perfect people to provide moral support....we stumble around (me in particular, lately!) and give it our best shot, but marathon runners we are NOT!

Keep us posted on baby (post photos if you'd like - we're mommies first, and runners second, so baby photos are always welcome!), and let us know when you're ready to jump back into running. Just make sure you've been home from the hospital at least a day or so before you jump back in! :-)