Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Personal Training Session

I spent an hour with a personal trainer yesterday in a desperate attempt to solve my knee problem....and maybe that happened!?  This guy was great - not the usual "I have big muscles so I'm obviously smarter than you" type of personal trainer (thinking about the guy at the gym here...he's SO obnoxious....) - and he really seemed to know what he was talking about. After watching me run, which was good fun :-), he said that my foot placement (where my foot lands when I run) was off. So, he had me do drills and strides to fix the problem.  Honestly, I could tell a real difference, which leads me to believe this guy is onto something. We'll see though....

I'm worried about not being able to remember the stuff he told me, but I'm going to give it my best shot. I don't want to have to go back to see this guy unless I absolutely have to. Pinehurst is a good drive, even if I am going for work, and personal training isn't free! :-)

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