Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Claire is so nice to me....

Claire is so nice to me. She came to my house for a "run" and ended up walking beside me as I complained incessantly about my knee, and tried not to scream out of frustration. We covered 3.1 miles, and it took us (well, me really...again, Claire was being nice) 45 minutes. The weather is beautiful so that helped, and since I've not seen her in awhile, the catching up was wonderful, but if this knee doesn't get better soon, I'm going to go crazy.....oh, and I got to meet Claire's furry little buddy, Moxie who is, as it turns out, a good walking partner! :-)

1 comment:

Claire said...

You're so sweet Angela...I also had a great time catching up, plus like I said I'm usually not out working out for that long. All in all a great time for both of us, except the knee of course, which sucks.

I think Moxie is tired from all the walking, she is fast asleep right now!